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Bad Weather

Inclement Weather Decisions & Notifications

To ensure student safety, especially with inclement weather, we may delay the start of school (3-hour late start) or close school entirely. Student safety is the primary consideration in adjusting school hours.

Notifications will arrive by 6:00 am on the morning of an adjusted day

We will notify all NTPS families and students by 6:00 am. Notification will arrive by phone call, text, and email. NTPS Communications will also place delay & closure alerts on our website, and local news and radio will be notified.

Not seeing an announcement? School is operating normally.

Important! Please make sure your current contact information is on file with your school!

How it Works

For inclement weather, district leaders work with our transportation department to determine the safety of the roads. Current and forecasted weather conditions, road surface temperatures, and feasibility of safe travel can impact the decision. While roads may appear passable for some students and families, circumstances may be quite different for buses and surrounding neighborhoods.

Current Weather


Definitions & Information