Secondary Grading Practices
The Four Grading Principles
In response to an October 2021 NTPS School Board determination and based on the Grading Practices Task Force recommendations, we are improving our grading practices for all middle and high schools with the initial phase in fall 2023 working towards full implementation expected in the 2024-25 school year.
- Principle #1: Grades communicate student success
- Principle #2: Opportunities to demonstrate knowledge
- Principle #3: Give time to practice and learn
- Principle #4: Regular communication about progress
Principle #1: Grades communicate student success
Principle #2: Opportunities to demonstrate knowledge
Principle #3: Give time to practice and learn
Principle #4: Regular communication about progress
NTPS Secondary Grading Scale
4 Advanced |
Student has met the learning target AND more (this more is situation-specific, but examples and guidance are clearly given by the teacher). |
3 Proficient | Student has met the learning target. |
2 Developing |
Student is close to meeting the learning target. Can do so with support. |
1 Beginning |
Student has not yet met the learning target, but shows some understanding related to the learning target. |
0 No Evidence |
Student has not provided evidence of progress toward meeting the learning target. Reasons could include: missing work, absence, refusal to engage, or just way off on the attempt. |
Frequently Asked Questions
- What is the secondary grading practice improvement?
- Why change it?
- Why shift to a 4-point grading scale?
- Does the 4-point scale make it harder for students to earn an A?
- Does this mean that middle & high school students will no longer get letter grades?
- Will it be more difficult for students to get into college?
- Will students pass a class without doing work?
- How is NTPS supporting teachers in adopting these practices?
- Does this align with our district Strategic Plan?
- How did NTPS develop the improved grading practices?