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Graduation Requirements

The Board awards a regular high school diploma to every student enrolled in the District who meets the requirements for graduation, including the statewide graduation requirements. Only one type of diploma is awarded, with no distinctions being made between the various programs.

See policies 2410 and 2410P for more information on requirements for graduation.

Graduation toolkits

High School & Beyond Plan

Graduation Pathways

District Contact

Sarah Rich
Assistant Superintendent of Instructional Services

Updated May 1, 2023

Credit Requirements

Course Number of Credits Required
English 4 credits
Math 3 credits
Science 3 credits (2 in lab science)
Social Studies 3 credits
Arts 2 credits (1 personalized pathway*)
Health and Fitness 2 credits
Occupational Education/CTE 1 credit
Electives 4 credits
World Language 2 credits (2 personalized pathway*)
Total Required Credits 24 credits

*Personalized pathway requirements are courses that lead to a specific post-high school career or educational outcome chosen by the student based their interests reflected in their High School & Beyond Plan. Usually, these are specific CTE courses.

Non-Credit Requirements

  • High School & Beyond Plan

  • 20 hours of community service (documented)

  • Completed Washington State History and Government courses