The elementary English language arts (ELA) curriculum is called Reach for Reading. The program includes eight units centered around a "Big Question" related to that particular unit. Students engage in critical thinking while the fiction and non-fiction texts from the unit help them build an answer to the question.
The middle school English language arts (ELA) curriculum is called StudySync. It contains four units united by a single theme and essential question. Multi-faceted exploration allows for the development of deep content knowledge and provides students the opportunity to apply learning across a wide range of texts. They also build specific vocabulary and engage in writing activities throughout the curriculum.
The high school English language arts (ELA) curriculum is called my Perspectives. Students engage in analyzing text, citing evidence, and responding critically about their learning. The curriculum contains six units that include selections of different genres (including multimedia) all related to a relevant and meaningful essential question. As they read, students engage in activities that inspire thoughtful discussion and debate, allowed them to formulate and defend their own perspective.