Career & Technical Education (CTE)
The NTPS career & technical education (CTE) programs focus on developing the industry skills and workplace attributes students need for in-demand careers. Classes are practical, hands-on student experiences to explore our six program areas, with more than 90 individual class options available to NTPS students.
Industry-standard competency tests and certifications are built into some coursework. Our CTE courses help NTPS students explore career options and prepare them for their next steps post graduation.
Cutting Edge: Our CTE Newsletter
Program Contacts
Brad Hooper
Director of Career & Technical Education
Chris Groen
CTE Instructional Specialist
Students in our wood shop classes learn to use various machinery, including detail-work.
CTE students have hands-on experience with marine biology through boat trips with the Puget Sound Estuarium.
Students in our Sports Medicine program learn health and performance basics and help support our athletes on the field.
Students learn basic first aid alongside other skills to help support athletes and safe practices.
CTE students learn about marine biology in our local area on Puget Sound Estuarium-supported boat trips.
Students at Envision Career Academy on the agricultural track tend to a school garden.
Students in River Ridge's Sports Medicine classes learn first aid, sports medicine, and help support NTPS athletes on the field.
Students in robotics work with Lego systems and other programmable robotics kits in classrooms.
Students in our wood shop classes work with materials to plan and build various projects, including a Tiny home project.
Students in our wood working classes with to plan and execute various projects including a tiny home.
Students in Wood Working learn to work with many different types of machinery.
Students in our wood shops learn to safely work with various shop tools.
CTE Questions... answered!
- What NTPS schools offer CTE courses?
- Can I earn college credit while in high school CTE courses?
- Are there student-run business opportunities in CTE?
- How does CTE instruction remain at industry standard?
- Can I get CTE credit for working a job?