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Each year, NTPS leaders create a budget, which the School Board reviews and adopts in August. The budget includes all district costs, such as employee salaries and benefits, supplies, facilities, information technology, transportation, and more.

View our 2024-25 school year budget (PDF) and 4-year forecast report (PDF).

North Thurston Public Schools recently completed its annual audit with the Washington State Auditor’s Office (SAO). SAO reviewed the 2022-23 fiscal year, including accountability for public resources; financial statement for the district; and federal grant compliance. It was what is called a clean audit: SAO found no misstatements, no deficiencies in the design or operation of internal controls over financial reporting, and no instances of noncompliance. These results reflect our efficient and accountable use of public funding!

Budget Updates

Budget Process Timeline

January / February

  • Enrollment Projections - how many students are enrolled at NTPS?
  • The legislative session begins - we watch this closely as they make decisions that affect our funding.

March / April

  • Analyze Certified staffing with principals & directors - teacher staffing needs
  • Analyze Classified staffing with principals & directors - other staffing needs
  • Analyze Department budgets - initial projected budget amounts given to departments

May / June

  • Once all departments and schools communicate staffing needs, we send this total personnel budget to Human Resources.
  • All departments and schools send us their final budgets based upon amounts given in March/April.
  • Finalize the fee schedule (lunches and other fees) and send the schedule to the Board.

July / August

  • Budgets from all departments and schools, including staffing, are compiled and sent as a draft to the Board.
  • The Board reviews the draft, and a presentation of the draft budget is held in July.
  • In August, the Board holds a public hearing and adopts the budget.

September / December

  • Current year budget monitoring through monthly reporting to the Board of Directors.
  • Current year budget monitoring by principals and directors.

Budget FAQ

Q: How do the different budget funds work?

A: The NTPS Budget is made up of 5 different Funds. What money goes to what fund is tightly controlled by state and board rules.

  • General Fund: This is our main fund that covers everything else! All school districts are required to have one, and the revenue for this fund comes from local, county, state, and federal sources. It includes the rest of the operating expenses, including salaries, maintenance, printing, other transportation costs, and everything else. The Board requires we have 6% of this in reserve for financial stability.
  • Capital Projects Fund: This is our building fund. This covers school buildings, equipment, energy audits, grounds, remodels, purchasing lands, technology, and even carpets and roofs.
  • Debt Service Fund: This is the money set aside to pay off debt – bonds are debt to the county – we have to set aside money every year to pay down the voted debt (bonds).
  • Special Revenue Fund: This is where ASB fee money goes. When you pay a fee for athletics, purchase tickets to a play, or other student function, that money goes into a closely-monitored, strictly-controlled fund. See ASB Fund Balance sheets for your school here.
  • Transportation Vehicle Fund: Buses and transportation costs are completely separate. There is a mixture of Levy money (we have strict rules on what levy money can be used for what parts of transportation) and state money (the state helps with vehicle aging and depreciation costs).