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Athletic Code

Welcome to North Thurston Public Schools (NTPS) and congratulations on your choice to participate as a member of an outstanding athletic program. It is the intent of all members of each school’s athletic department and administration for athletics to be an enriching and healthy experience for student athletes in which physical, mental, and social growth take place through interscholastic competition.

North Thurston Public Schools believes interscholastic athletics are an integral part of a student-athlete’s total educational experience. The success of our athletic programs is based on our student-athletes’ abilities to balance their participation with their academic requirements. Academic achievement comes first. In athletics, our goals include:

  • providing a safe and structured environment;
  • develop leadership skills among our student-athletes;
  • always demonstrate respect for self, team, officials and opponents;
  • build responsibility, good work ethic, trust, loyalty, self-esteem, and discipline; and
  • believing that success is not always recorded on the scoreboard, but how we deal with setbacks and adversity is equally important.

Participation in NTPS athletic programs is a privilege; we, therefore, have the right to expect higher standards of behavior from our student-athletes. Since athletics unify our student body and our school and community, athletes must positively represent the NTPS throughout their school and in the community. This document serves to inform students and parents/guardians about the guidelines, policies, and regulations of the Washington Interscholastic Activities Association (WIAA) and NTPS. It explains expectations for student-athletes at each high school. One of the primary roles of the high school athletic department is to oversee the conduct of our student-athletes. We urge families to take an active part in the guidance and supervision of their student-athletes, while supporting the schools in our endeavor to develop positive and productive citizens.

  • Coaches must inform all of their players of additional expectations. The additional expectations must be in writing and distributed to all participants, signed by a parent/guardian, and returned to the coach prior to their first interscholastic competition.
  • Withdrawal from NTPS or the student-athlete's school for any period of time does not "erase" prior athletic code violations from the student-athlete's record in the event that further violations occur.

Last update: August 2023

2.0.0 General Eligibility

3.0.0 Academic Eligibility

4.0.0 Behavior

5.0.0 Legend drugs, Anabolic Steroids, and Controlled Substances

6.0.0 Tobacco, Vapor Equipment/Material, Alcohol, and Marijuana

7.0.0 Appeal Process

8.0.0 Team Selection/Playing Time

9.0.0 Parent Communication Process

Glossary and Non-Discrimination Statement