Guaranteed Admissions Program (GAP)
Qualifying North Thurston Public Schools seniors can receive guaranteed admission to several Washington colleges and universities!
What schools are participating?
- Central Washington University (minimum GPA 3.0)
- Eastern Washington University (minimum GPA 3.0)
- The Evergreen State College (minimum GPA 2.5)
- Washington State University (minimum GPA 3.0 or top 10% of class)
- Western Washington University (minimum GPA 3.0)
- University of Washington—Tacoma (minimum GPA 3.0)
- Pacific Lutheran University*
- St. Martin's University*
*Separate from this program, but a similar partnership.
We may add additional colleges in the future! Check back!
What are the qualifications?
- Meet minimum GPA and course requirements (College Academic Distribution Requirements, or CADRs) Download CADR info from WSAC (PDF)
- Parents / guardians (or the student, if 18) must opt in to release their contact information to higher education institutions.
- Complete a paper form, which is available below or through the career centers / counseling offices. Return the forms to your counselor / career center specialist.
- Download Consent Form (English PDF)
- Descargar formulario de consentimiento (PDF en español)
- 동의서 다운로드(한국어 PDF)
- Tải xuống Mẫu đồng ý (PDF tiếng Việt)
- I-download ang Form ng Pahintulot (Tagalog PDF)
- La'u mai le Pepa Fa'atagaga (Samoa PDF)
- Complete a paper form, which is available below or through the career centers / counseling offices. Return the forms to your counselor / career center specialist.
- Once opted-in, student data to determine eligibility will be released to the participating institutions.
What happens next?
For the 2024-25 academic year, the program will be changing their process of communication. They will be sending letters to guardians for whom email is provided first. They hope this will provide a communication among families and students, so the student is better prepared for the letter and information. The student letter will then follow two weeks after the family emails are sent. They will also be updating the student letters for the 2024-25 school year to emphasize next steps and responsibilities for students and families.
Do students still need to apply to the institution once accepted?
Yes, students interested in attending must still complete an application for admission once notified of their guaranteed admissions status. There may be further requirements from the institution regarding admissions, and students should continue to engage in challenging high school coursework and maintain their high school GPA during their senior year.
Contact your School Counselor or College & Career Center Specialist.