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Health & Wellness

Each school has a part-time Registered Nurse and full-time unlicensed health assistant trained to address student health needs during the school day. RN's review student Health History Forms that parents/guardians complete annually, prepare staff for any medical emergencies that might arise, administer state-required vision and hearing screenings, ensure immunization compliance, provide physical and mental health supports to students, and carry out clinical assessments with a high degree of skill and nursing judgment.

Please make sure your contact information is correct and current. Call your student’s school to update. In an emergency, staff will call 911 and the emergency contact listed in our Student Information System.

  • Immunizations: All students must be compliant with state immunization law to attend the first day of school. Please see the Department of Health website for more information.
  • Life-Threatening Conditions: All students with life-threatening conditions (e.g. asthma, diabetes, seizures) need to bring doctor orders and medications into the school before they can attend. Call your school's Health Room or Office if you have any questions.
  • Illness or Injuries at School: If your student is injured or is too sick to remain at school, they will be sent home only after the school contacts you or the emergency contact person you listed on the enrollment form. If no one is available, your student will be kept at school. If there is an emergency, school staff members will act on the parent’s/guardian’s behalf and call 911. If your student presents with COVID-19 symptoms, they will be sent to the school-designated quarantine room to be picked up immediately.

Medication at School

As permitted by Washington state law, nurses and health room assistants administer prescribed or non-prescribed medications in limited situations.

Before dispensing medications to students, the following requirements must be met:

  • Parent(s)/guardian(s) must hand-deliver to the school a written authorization form signed and dated giving the school health professionals written permission to administer medications;
  • The written authorization form must be signed by a licensed health care professional with prescriptive authority giving the name of medication, written instructions, dosage, time, dates to be given, and student name;
  • The medication must be supplied to the school in the original container, and the written authorization must match exactly the information on the container. No more than a 20-day supply will be accepted by the school;
  • Medication is to be brought to the school by a parent/guardian. Please do not send medication with a student.
  • All medications must be picked up prior to or on the last day of school, or shall be properly destroyed.
  • No prescribed medication shall be administered by injection by staff except when a student is susceptible to a predetermined, life-endangering situation.
  • NTPS Immunization Information and Health Room Forms