Harmful Substances
To learn, students need to be healthy. The use of alcohol, drugs, and tobacco products by students is not only illegal but also interferes with learning and damages student health.
Student possession, use, or distribution of drugs, including e-cigarettes, vaporizers, and all other items generally considered to be drugs, either legal or illegal, unless the student has an approved medication at school form on file, is prohibited. Students are not permitted to use or possess electronic cigarettes or personal vaporizers on school property, school transportation, school trips, or school-sponsored activities.
The prohibition of tobacco applies to all district employees, students, volunteers, outside contractors, visitors, and the public. (See NTPS Policy 4215).
Additional requirements that impact student participation in athletics and/or activities in grades 7–12 can be found in NTPS Activity/Athletics Conduct Expectations.
All tobacco products and paraphernalia, including e-cigarettes and vaping paraphernalia, will be confiscated and disposed of appropriately. A parent/guardian conference with the school administration or designee may occur.
Family and community partnerships are essential to meet student academic and health needs. To support students and families, NTPS provides a counselor and mental health specialist at each school who can teach students how to resist peer pressure to use drugs or alcohol and address the legal, social, and health consequences of drug and alcohol use. (See NTPS Policy 2167).
NTPS partners with True North, a service of Capital Region ESD 113, in order to provide drug and alcohol screening, assessment, intervention, and referral services to students and their families who are impacted by alcohol, tobacco, and other drug use/abuse, and to assist in the development of a safe and drug-free learning environment. These services are available on-site at our high schools to all NTPS students who need them.