With students at the center, four areas help foster equity: Foundational Equity Understanding; Family and Community Collaboration; Curriculum and Instruction; and Policies and Practice.
NTPS is committed to actively implementing policies and practices ensuring every student is provided healthy, safe, engaging, high-quality, and supportive educational opportunities that lead to high academic and social-emotional outcomes.
In NTPS, our equity work calls us to identify disparities in our data, acknowledge our unconscious bias, and build personal and organizational capacity to lean into uncomfortable conversations about race, gender, gender identity, sexual identity, socioeconomic status, disabilities, and more.
It is about ensuring that every student has the resources and support they need to be successful. In an equitable classroom, individual factors do not hold students from reaching their full learning potential. We ask our teachers and staff to:
- Model equity for our students
- Hold students to high expectations
- Create an equitable classroom environment
- Give students a voice
- Embrace culturally responsive teaching
It is about partnering with others, including families, community, and tribal groups, to best meet the needs of all our students. Community Cafés are one practice that we use to engage parents/guardians and community members in meaningful conversations. Visit our Equity department.