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Corrective Actions

Students come to school to learn. Learning involves making mistakes. However, when students make negative choices involving a behavioral violation at school, on school grounds, at a school-sponsored event, or on school-district-sponsored transportation, corrective action may be necessary. Classroom, activity, and/or school-level corrective interventions—also called “other forms of discipline” - may include the following:

Exclusionary Interventions

Classroom ExclusionSuspension, Emergency Removal, or Expulsion from a class, subject, activity, and/or district transportation, and include a denial of admission to or entry upon real and personal property that is owned, leased, rented, or controlled by the district.

Each corrective action has limitations and due process requirements. These are summarized below.

Students with Disabilities

NTPS discipline procedures for students with disabilities will be consistent with the Individuals with Disabilities Act (IDEA) and Section 504 of the Rehabilitation Act. These procedures apply under the following conditions:

  • The student has an Individual Education Program (IEP), Individual Health Plan (IHP), and/or a Section 504 Plan.
  • The student has not yet been determined eligible for Special Education services, but the parent/guardian has requested concern in writing (or orally) to the principal, teacher, or district special education staff that the student be evaluated for special education and related services; or the teacher or other school personnel has expressed specific concern about a pattern of behavior demonstrated by the student to Special Education or other supervisory personnel.

Educational Services During Exclusionary Intervention

During the suspension, expulsion, or emergency removal of a student, the school/district will provide the student with the opportunity to continue participating in the educational curriculum; meet the educational standards established by the district; and complete subject, grade-level, and graduation requirements (WAC 392-121-107).