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Conduct Expectations & Discipline

The student is responsible as a citizen to observe the laws of the United States, the state of Washington, and local ordinances and laws. The student will respect the rights of others while in school, on school property, at all school activities, on district-provided transportation, or otherwise under school authority.

Students who involve themselves in criminal acts on school property, off school property at school-supervised events, or off school property when such acts have a detrimental effect upon the maintenance and operation of the schools or the District are subject to corrective action by the school as well as potential prosecution under the law.

The school community encourages students to report any situation which poses a danger to the health or safety of themselves and fellow students, or which represents a violation of state laws and/or district policy. While in attendance at school or school-sponsored events, students must remove themselves immediately from any situation where violations of state laws and/or district policy are occurring.

Prohibited Behaviors

The following behaviors are prohibited, in accordance with district policy and procedure, and may result in corrective disciplinary action: