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District Commits to...

  • Create a culture of inclusion, equity, and accountability in our schools.
  • Model courteous and respectful conduct.
  • Develop the knowledge, understanding, mindset, and skills needed to teach in a culturally responsive way to provide all students access to rigorous curriculum and learning opportunities.
  • Establish and maintain positive relationships with students and families using two-way communication.
  • Hold all students to high expectations, and provide quality, effective, and inclusive instructional practices.
  • Help students to develop skills for learning as well as how to manage their emotions, solve problems, and make friends through Social Emotional Learning (SEL) curricula.
  • Use Positive Behavioral Interventions and Support (PBIS) to structure safe, predictable, and positive school environments for students and staff whereby school-wide behavior expectations are clearly defined, explicitly taught, and consistently supported.
  • Assist students who do not yet meet a behavior expectation to identify and develop lagging skills that underlay misbehavior to improve behavior.
  • Use a variety of methods (instructive, reflective, restorative) to shape student behavior when harm occurs.
  • Implement a disciplinary response that would be least disruptive to the student-school relationship while maximizing instructional time.
  • Display compassion and empathy.

Student & Family Commit to...

  • Attend school regularly, be on time to classes, and arrive prepared to learn;
  • Understand and follow district and school policies and student conduct expectations;
  • Advocate for individual educational, cultural, social, and emotional needs;
  • Support a safe and positive school culture;
  • Respect the rights and property of others;
  • Identify themselves to and follow the instructions of all school staff;
  • Accept reasonable consequences when failing to meet behavioral expectations; and
  • Learn from mistakes.

We All Commit to Student Rights to...

  • An equal education opportunity with due process of law;
  • Access to clean and safe schools, current curriculum, safe transportation, school supplies, 21st-century technology, and to support needed for learning assistance, specialized instruction, transitional bilingual education, and English language learning;
  • Be known and cared for at school;
  • Be listened to and have their voice heard;
  • Be taught by highly-qualified teachers, principals, and support staff;
  • Be free from discrimination because of national origin, race, creed, religion, color, age, veteran or military status, economic status, sex, sexual orientation, gender expression or identity, disability, or use of a trained service animal;
  • Possess freedom of speech and press;
  • Have the right to peaceful assembly and to petition;
  • Be secure in person, papers, backpacks, and effects against unreasonable search and seizure except for lockers and desks;
  • Have the right to confidentiality (FERPA).