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Attendance Matters

Students who attend school regularly feel better about school and themselves. So, build  the habit of good attendance early! Good attendance helps students do well in school, college, and at work.

  • Preschoolers build skills and develop good habits for showing up on time!
  • Elementary students read by the end of 3rd grade!
  • Secondary students stay on track to graduate!
  • College students earn their degrees!
  • Workers succeed in their jobs!

If you are facing challenges related to health care, unstable housing, transportation, or lack of food, your school can help. Let us connect you to services for the family. Contact your school or the NTPS Family & Youth Resource Center.

Check student attendance anytime online through Skyward Family Access.

Please contact your student's school directly if:

  • Your student will be, is, or was absent as soon as reasonably possible.
  • You have a question about an automated message you've received.

NTPS requires that parents/guardians excuse their child’s absence within five school days of the date of absence. Only absences that meet the legal definition of “excused absences” (see district Policy and Procedure 3122) may be marked as excused. Family vacations do not fall into the legal category of excused absences unless you seek and are granted prior approval of the principal or their designee. If your child will miss more than four days of school for a vacation or pre-planned extended absence, please contact the school’s attendance office at least one week ahead of time to request a conference with the principal or their designee.

We define three levels of attendance: regular, at risk, and chronically absent.

  • Regular Attendance: absent less than 5% of school days.
  • At-risk Attendance: absent between 5% and 9% of school days.
  • Chronically Absent Attendance: miss 10% or more school days, regardless of the reason–that's 18 days in a school year or 2 days per month.

Awareness of chronic absenteeism and its potential impact will empower students, families, and communities to make informed decisions regarding missing school. NTPS is dedicated to providing the best educational experience for our students, and part of that is reducing chronic absenteeism.

NTPS uses a Multi-Tiered System of Support framework to support student attendance. Tier 1 represents universal strategies to encourage regular attendance for all students. Tier 2 provides early intervention for students who need more support to avoid chronic absences. Tier 3 offers intensive support and interventions for students facing the greatest challenges in getting to school.

Attendance interventions include:

After 3 UNEXCUSED absences in a month:

  • The school and family/student meet to create a plan and identify supports needed to improve attendance.

No later than 7 UNEXCUSED absences in a month, the school shall do one or more of the following:

  • Enter into an agreement with the student and parent/guardian establishing attendance requirements.
  • Refer student to a Community Engagement Board (CEB).
  • File petition under subsection (1) of RCW 28A.225.030

After 7 unexcused absences in a month but before 15 in a whole school year:

  • NTPS must file a truancy petition with Juvenile Court.