Volunteering at NTPS
Thank you for sharing your time and talents to support our students!
An approved volunteer application, which includes a background check, is required to volunteer in all NTPS schools. Please apply early. Thank you for your patience.
All volunteers (including students and coaches) should complete our online volunteer application linked below. A background check on all volunteers is required by Washington State law. Your application must be fully processed and approved before volunteering. Please apply early. We make every effort to process applications within two weeks.
Volunteer Application FAQ
- What's involved in the volunteer background check?
- Do college students need to complete a volunteer application for classroom observation or student teaching?
- Do I need to fill out a volunteer application for each school?
- How do I renew my volunteer status?
- How do I update my volunteer application information?
- How do I add a volunteer coach endorsement to my existing volunteer profile?
What's involved in the volunteer background check?
North Thurston Public Schools is required by RCW 28A.404.303 to conduct a criminal background check on volunteer applicants in order to maintain a safe learning environment for all of our students and staff. We reserve the right to deny applicants with a criminal history and registered sex offenders.
NTPS recognizes that a criminal record alone is not an indication of the value volunteers offer our students. When reviewing criminal records, the school district also considers:
- The safety of our students and staff
- The nature and gravity of the offense(s)
- The time that has passed since the conviction and/or sentence
- The nature of the volunteer work for which the applicant is requesting to volunteer
- The positive impact the individual has had within the community since the offense
We respect your privacy and any conversations with regard to your background check will be kept confidential.
If you have further questions, please contact Volunteer Services at 360-412-4451.
Do college students need to complete a volunteer application for classroom observation or student teaching?
Yes, a volunteer application is required to spend time in NTPS classrooms on a repeated basis. Please start by contacting Human Resources for more information about classroom observation, practicums, and student teaching placements.
Do I need to fill out a volunteer application for each school?
How do I renew my volunteer status?
Starting in September 2020, volunteers will consent to automatic renewal of their background check every 2 years. You will be notified via email when your status has been renewed. We hope this makes it easier to have your volunteer status ready when you need it!
If you wish to deactivate your NTPS volunteer status, please contact volunteersupport@nthurston.k12.wa.us.
How do I update my volunteer application information?
You can update any of your volunteer application information by logging into your NTPS volunteer account on the district or any school volunteer page. From the home menu, choose View or Update Volunteer Profile Information. This will bring up most fields from your original application where you can make any necessary updates. You can easily change the schools you get volunteer-related email from by updating the school checkboxes under "Volunteer Interests." Be sure to click the Update Volunteer Information button at the bottom of the page when your changes are complete.
Note: You will only receive email about volunteer opportunities at the schools selected on your profile, but you will be able to sign in at any school kiosk district-wide.
How do I add a volunteer coach endorsement to my existing volunteer profile?
If you would like to begin volunteer coaching AFTER you already have an approved volunteer status, please update your volunteer profile with the additional required coach information by logging into your NTPS volunteer account. From the home menu, choose View or Update Volunteer Profile Information, and fill in the four Volunteer Coach questions. Be sure to click the Update Volunteer Information button at the bottom of the page when your changes are complete.
Then email volunteersupport@nthurston.k12.wa.us and let us know - we'll submit your updates to the Athletic Director and Head Coach for approval and let you know the status of your application within 2 weeks.
Please make sure you have discussed your plan to volunteer with the Head Coach prior to updating your application.
Be a mentor! Just one hour, once a week, can impact a student for life!
NTPS Lunch Buddy Mentor Program
Your non-profit, community organization, or place of worship can partner with a neighborhood school to provide volunteer support through our Helping Hands community partnership program.
Account Login
Volunteer Guidelines
Please review our Volunteer Handbook and Code of Conduct prior to volunteering for the first time.
Volunteering FAQ
- Am I a visitor or volunteer?
- How do I request an in-person orientation of the school building?
- How do I volunteer in the classroom, library, or office?
- How do I sign in when I volunteer?
- How do I sign up for a volunteer event?
- How do I see or change what I've signed up for?
- How do I record volunteer hours online when I couldn't use the kiosk?
- How do I view or print my volunteer history?
- How do I document my student volunteer hours?
- How do I volunteer at the Family & Youth Resource (FYR) Center?
- What if there is an emergency drill while I am volunteering?
- What if I observe something concerning while volunteering?
Am I a visitor or volunteer?
There are procedures in place to differentiate between Volunteers who have been background checked by the district, and Visitors who have not. We want all families to feel welcome in our schools while ensuring safety and minimizing disruptions.
Visitors are visiting the school for a specific purpose. Visitors must check in with school office staff, provide ID upon request, and wear a visitor badge while at school. Visitors will always be in the presence of school staff and will never have unsupervised access to students. At the discretion of building staff, additional children like younger siblings may be allowed to accompany you as a visitor. Examples of school visitors include: a community member giving a presentation to a class, a parent/guardian attending a school assembly or concert, attending a classroom birthday party, or dropping something off to their child at school. Visitors are not permitted on school field trips.
Volunteers have an up to date volunteer application & background check on file with NTPS. Volunteers have an assigned activity at the school or school event. Volunteers are required to sign in on the school volunteer kiosk, and wear a volunteer badge while at school. Volunteers may not bring additional children with them while volunteering. Examples of school volunteers include: a parent/guardian or community member assisting in the classroom, at a school event, or as a field trip chaperone.
How do I request an in-person orientation of the school building?
How do I volunteer in the classroom, library, or office?
How do I sign in when I volunteer?
The volunteer sign in kiosk is located in or across from the school office. You must sign in and out on the kiosk when you volunteer at school.
You are required to wear a volunteer badge with your name when volunteering at school. Adhesive or reusable badges will be available at the volunteer kiosk.
How do I sign up for a volunteer event?
You have 2 choices when signing up for volunteer activities. You can start by logging into your NTPS volunteer account or you can start by visiting the event listing on your school volunteer page.
To find events by logging into the volunteer portal:
- From the home menu, choose Register / Apply for an Upcoming Opportunity.
- Filter the event list by expanding the Search Events by Interest, Location, Date or Keyword function as needed.
- Select your name and the school event you want to register for. A green bar will appear to Click here to register for this event. (You may be prompted to select a time slot, if applicable.)
- You will then see a green box saying Volunteer Registered Successfully and you will receive an email confirmation of your registration.
To find events by starting at your school volunteer event page:
- Navigate to your school's volunteer page. The main volunteer page displays a pre-filtered list of the upcoming volunteer opportunities at that school.
- Click on an event to bring up the event details.
- Then select a green Sign Up box or the Click here to register button.
- You will then be prompted to log in to your volunteer profile to select shifts and complete the registration process similar to above.
How do I see or change what I've signed up for?
You can view or cancel your volunteer registrations by logging into your NTPS volunteer account on the district or any school volunteer page.
From the home menu, choose View or Cancel Registration for an Upcoming Opportunity. Any current registrations will then be displayed.
To cancel your registration for an event:
- Select the checkbox next to the event name, and then the bottom button to Cancel selected event registration(s).
- You will then see a pop-up window to confirm your cancellation. Select Cancel Registration(s) once more. You will receive an email confirmation of your cancellation.
How do I record volunteer hours online when I couldn't use the kiosk?
You can record your hours by logging into the NTPS volunteer portal on the district or any school's volunteer page. There is a general volunteer service project set up for each school named for the school and year (ex. "Meadows Volunteering 24-25") that is used both to sign in at school and to log hours at home.
How do I view or print my volunteer history?
You can view or print your volunteer history by logging into your NTPS volunteer account on the district or any school volunteer page.
How do I document my student volunteer hours?
If you are a NTPS student who needs to document your volunteer hours for graduation or varsity letter requirements, you will need to complete the required paper documentation form with a signature from a representative of the organization you are volunteering with. For volunteering in NTPS schools, this signature would be from a school staff member or PTA officer. Your parent/guardian cannot sign off on your volunteer hours.
For graduation hours use the HS & Beyond Plan Community Involvement Documentation Form
For varsity letter hours, visit the Varsity Letter in Community Service page for the current application form.
How do I volunteer at the Family & Youth Resource (FYR) Center?
The FYR Center can use volunteers for processing community donations, laundering lost and found items, restocking schools with supplies (clothes, toiletries, etc.), greeting for the kids closet, and helping with office tasks. Please fill out the NTPS volunteer application, then contact volunteersupport@nthurston.k12.wa.us with your interest and availability if you'd like to volunteer at the FYR Center.
What if there is an emergency drill while I am volunteering?
If there is a drill, you need to leave the building along with the students and staff. Leave through the nearest exit, or if you are in a classroom leave with the class. If there is an earthquake drill, turn away from the windows and seek protection under a desk or other sturdy furniture. This is one reason why it's important to sign in and out at the volunteer computer kiosk, so school staff know to account for you in case of an emergency.
What if I observe something concerning while volunteering?
Request Volunteers
Contact Us
NTPS Volunteer Liaison
Emma Guttchen
Visit your school's volunteer page for specific contacts and opportunities at your building!
Student Volunteers
Looking for opportunities to get involved and fulfill your volunteer hours?
Want to earn a Varsity Letter in Community Service by volunteering at least 250 hours while in high school?
Volunteers in Action!
Congratulations to our 2024 Varsity Letter in Community Service recipients! Fourteen students earned this award, and together they served a total of 4,433 hours of community service!
Jarvis is a Lunch Buddy Mentor spends weekly time with Elijah teaching him chess and playing Uno.
Jeannine is an NTPS parent and Dena is a retired school librarian – both volunteer weekly at the Salish Middle School library.
Ashley started volunteering at Horizons Elementary in 2017 and has served over 700 hours as a reading buddy, supporting the school PTA, and more.