Past Committees
NTPS has several committees that work year-round to help our district grow and change, including our Facilities Advisory and Instructional Materials Committees, but some committees are formed temporarily to help inform administrative decisions. Learn more about committees past and their work they've done to make NTPS a great place to learn and work!
Balanced Calendar Study
The Balanced Calendar Study Committee served from 2021-22 to utilize grant funds to study the benefits and drawbacks to changing the academic calendar to attend class the same number of days a year, but spread out throughout the whole year with shorter, more frequent breaks, as opposed to a large summer break. In a balanced calendar, during the fall, spring, and summer break periods, schools provide extended learning opportunities for students (called intersession programming).
The concept was studied by the committee during the 2021-22 school year, with a recommendation to remain on the traditional calendar for the foreseeable future. Read the final NTPS Balanced Calendar Review presented to the School Board.
Bell Times Advisory
The Bell Times Advisory Committee (BTAC) operated during 2020-21, in order to determine if changing to a later high school start time was feasible for the district and beneficial for our students. The committee consisted of 22 members, including parent, staff, and community partner representatives, who developed recommendations to the NTPS School Board regarding potential changes to school start times.
The committee recommendation to maintain the current bell times for all grade levels was presented to the Board on February 23, 2021. The Board voted unanimously to maintain the current bell schedule. Read the BTAC recommendation to the School Board.
Committee Members
- Parent Representatives: Elementary (2); Middle (2); High (2)
- Building Administrator Representatives: Elementary (1); Middle (1); High (1)
- Staff Representatives: Classified (1); Certificated (1)
- Student Representatives (6)
- District Administrator Representatives (6)
- Community Partner Representatives (2)
Meeting Materials
Boundary Review
The Boundary Review Committee served in early 2023 to focus on and review elementary school boundaries and bring any recommendations to the NTPS School Board in the spring for any changes to be implemented starting in the 2023-24 school year. The committee comprised NTPS school staff, family members, and high school students.
The following recommendations were passed onto the School Board and were accepted :
- Move the southern boundary of Pleasant Glade Elementary School into the Mountain View Elementary School attendance area along Martin Way.
- Move the southern boundary of Mountain View into the Horizons Elementary School attendance area north of Kapalea Way.
- Students in this area will attend Komachin Middle School and Timberline High School instead of Chinook Middle School and North Thurston High School. Students can request transfers and follow all transfer rules if accepted. Current NTHS students can stay at NTHS on a guaranteed waiver.
- Phase out waivers for Meadows, Olympic View, Pleasant Glade, and South Bay Elementary Schools (our largest elementary schools), with no new waivers beginning in the 2023-24 school year. Families currently on a waiver to these schools can continue applying annually to maintain waiver status.
Families affected by these changes were sent a letter informing them of the change.
Guiding Principles
As with previous boundary reviews, the committee will use these guiding principles:
- Balanced schools in terms of size and socioeconomic diversity
- Continuity in the K-12 experience for students
- Efficient and effective transportation—kids are in classrooms and not buses, and use walk zones when appropriate
Committee Membership
Group 1
- Angeline Ames, Parent
- Brittany Anderson, Principal
- Monica Belton, Parent
- Espie Diiorio, Parent
- Kristi Hunter, Parent
- Heather McCarthy, Principal
Group 2
- Billie Crane, Teacher
- Marisa Faatoafe, Teacher
- Carrie Garner, Parent
- Nate Grygorcewicz, Principal
- Rich McWilliams, Parent
- Amanda Pedro, Office Professional
Group 3
- Angie DeAguiar, Principal
- Mackenzie G., Student
- George Green, Parent
- Kelli Panush, Office Professional
- Karilix Salas-Sanchez, Parent
- Ashley Buffum, Parent
- Marie Martin, Office Professional
Group 4
- Alicia Farmer, Principal
- Loree Green, Parent
- Taylor M., Student
- Kristen Schafer, Parent
- Nikki Veihweg, Parent, Office Professional
- Janette Zumbo, Teacher
Group 5
- Alisha Doucette, Parent
- Jessica Flanick, Principal
- Malyssah Halderman, Parent
- Laci Traulsen, Parent
- Tia W., Student
- Dan Yourkoski, Parent
- Andrea Reid, Parent
Group 6
- Jeff Berland, Teacher
- Tristan Hay, Parent
- Janeal Maxfield, Teacher
- Michelle McMahon, Parent
- Kelly Tran, Office Professional
- Amy Williams-Gladstone, Parent
- Dusti Trickle, Assistant Principal
- January 23, 2023, Committee Meeting: Develop background knowledge; define role & process for committee
- February 13, 2023, Committee Meeting: Work session to develop options
- March 6, 2023, Committee Meeting: Work session to develop options
- March 27, 2023, Committee Meeting: Narrow options for Community Forums
- April 11, 2023, Community Forum: Community Forum to gather input, 6:00 pm, Timberline High School
- April 12, 2023, Community Forum: Community Forum to gather input, 6:00 pm, Salish Middle School
- April 17, 2023, Committee Meeting: Process community feedback, finalize recommendation
- May 2, 2023, Board Meeting: Recommendation to the Board