Instructional Materials Committee
At NTPS, quality instructional materials such as textbooks and workbooks are an important part of helping our students achieve success in the classroom. The Instructional Materials Committee (IMC) composed of teachers, librarians, and community members, meets to select, review, and approve (or request reconsideration) of core and supplemental instructional materials used in our classrooms. See District Policy 2020 and Procedure 2020P (Course Design, Selection, and Adoption of Instructional Materials).
For information regarding materials on the District's approved instructional material list, ask your school's principal or contact Jennifer Hancock at or 360-412-4416.
Join the Committee!
The IMC consists of three teachers, two teacher-librarians, a principal, a representative from the North Thurston Education Association, and four community members (one each representing high schools, middle schools, elementary schools, and the community at large). They meet throughout the year.
Want to join the IMC? Committee members must be willing to read and review several books and online resources using established district review criteria prior to scheduled meetings. This is a volunteer position.
Current Openings
- Elementary Librarian
- High School Teacher
If you are interested in joining the committee, please submit a letter or email of interest to Sarah Rich, Assistant Superintendent of Instructional Services at Please include the following information in your letter or email:
- Name, physical address, and email address.
- Position for which you are applying.
- Your reasons for serving and your qualifications.
Selected applicants will be recommended to the NTPS School Board for approval.
Current Committee Membership
Sarah Rich / Chairperson, Asst. Superintendent of Instructional Services
Katie Baydo-Reed / Middle School Teacher, Komachin
Karen Edwards / Community Member, at large
Angela Farley / High School Librarian, River Ridge
Amanda Garcia / Grants Specialist
Katrina Groen / Principal, North Thurston
Amy Jones / Elementary School Teacher, Mountain View
Vicky Lamoreaux / Community Member, High School
Irene Miller / Community Member, Elementary School
Conni Van Hoose / District Apex Teacher, NTEA Representative
Antoinette Walker / Community Member, Middle School