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Alumni Stories

NTPS Notable Alumni

Madi Moffatt (NTHS '14) - Communications

North Thurston High School alumna Madi Moffatt is one of the many individuals whose career took an unexpected turn because of the COVID-19 pandemic. Thanks to the strong foundation she cultivated at North Thurston High School and the diverse experiences she sought out in her four years at Washington State University, Madi is prepared to pivot.

Madi as a cheerleader at North Thurston High School, Madi spent the last two years as the Venue Experiences Coordinator at the Museum of Pop Culture (MoMA) in Seattle. At its core, the position was about coordinating events at the museum. Much of her work changed drastically when gatherings were no longer possible. By late 2020, Madi began looking for new opportunities and had no trouble securing a position at DocuSign as a Billing Specialist starting in 2021.

Madi attributes her interest in the business world to leadership, marketing, and entrepreneurship to classes with Ronna Reed at North Thurston. “Mrs. Reed was definitely a major reason I leaned into business studies,” Madi explains. Mrs. Reed was also her DECA advisor and coached her to a place in the state-level competition.

Madi was recently a virtual guest in one of Mrs. Reed’s business classes, where she offered encouragement to the students. “Everything is a business,” she recounts. “Get into those business classes early, and you’ll gain good experience, even if accounting or marketing isn’t your thing. Ask questions and get your feet wet!” Madi also acknowledges former teacher Susan White as a reason she pursued her Communications degree. “Mrs. White always gave me really good feedback in English class and helped make my writing strong and concise,” Madi recalls.

Since graduating from Washington State University in 2018, Madi has lived in Seattle. She majored in Strategic Communication with an emphasis in Public Relations and picked up a minor in Hospitality Business Management with the help of a semester abroad studying culture, food, wine and international business in Florence, Italy. Her favorite free-time activities are dining out with friends and attending concerts and music festivals. In 2020, she focused her energy on at-home yoga and Orange Theory workouts in her spare time.