Meet the Board
School Board Director Districts
Our board members are elected to four-year terms and must live in one of five director districts. To contact a board member, contact Carmen Barriga at 360-412-4413 or email them directly with the contact information included below.
Meet the NTPS Board
- District 1 - Gretchen Maliska - President
- District 2 - Tiffany Sevruk
- District 3 - Sarah Tracy
- District 4 - Esperanza (Espie) Badillo-Diiorio - Vice President
- District 5 - Michelle Gipson
- Student Advisors
District 1 - Gretchen Maliska - President
Gretchen Maliska has been a strong community leader in education and an active parent in North Thurston Public Schools since 2006.
As a mother of five boys, including two graduates of North Thurston Public Schools, Gretchen has always been a strong advocate for K-12 education and inclusion.
Growing up in Washington state, Gretchen learned the value of public education through participation in the performing arts, leadership, and much more.
In turn, she has devoted herself to giving back to students as an active community volunteer for more than 25 years, serving leadership roles in youth sports, multicultural and equity groups, career and technical clubs, North Thurston Citizens for Schools, and our Board of Directors.
Gretchen’s life experience with a blended family has helped her lead through multiple lenses, including Special Education and College in the High School programs, athletics, arts and activities, and mental health. Gretchen believes in celebrating and honoring differences and addressing the individual needs of every child to help them achieve success.
She is currently the Director of Career Connected Learning in a neighboring school district, where she provides opportunities for students to discover their career passion and enter the industry with recognized credentials in vocational disciplines (such as Natural Resources, Health Sciences, Mechatronics, and Business & Marketing). Gretchen believes there is a graduation pathway for everyone and is proud to support a K-12 system where students can discover passions and talents they can later use in the workforce.
Gretchen is dedicated to the success of all students in our district and understands that partnerships with families, staff, and leadership are crucial in making this happen.
“Our community is very diverse in opinions, ethnicities, and experiences. My hope is that we can seek to understand each other respectfully and work together, so our students are the top priority,” said Maliska, who is grateful for the excellent education three of her sons have received from this district. “It is a privilege to work with district leaders and staff who are committed to our community. Every child deserves to feel included and welcome in North Thurston Public Schools.”
Board term expires November 2027
District 2 - Tiffany Sevruk
Tiffany Sevruk has strong connections to our community as a parent, volunteer, and alumna. She attended North Thurston Public Schools and graduated from Timberline High School. She went on to earn her B.A. in Business Administration from the University of Washington and started her career in the state Legislature.
“I’m committed to providing students with more options based on their needs and developing additional services to better prepare them for college, work, vocational school, or entrepreneurship,” she said.
Tiffany herself has used her own knowledge, experience, and skills in a variety of jobs, including the state Senate, the Governor’s Executive Policy Office, and as Legislative Coordinator for the Aging and Disability Services Administration. With a background in budgets and public policy, she went on to become a tax and financial consultant and eventually began investing in real estate. “I still enjoy helping others, advising small business owners and non-profits, as well as mentoring aspiring entrepreneurs.”
Tiffany is very active in our community and has held leadership positions in several organizations. She was part of the Core Team to establish the Thurston County Coalition Against Trafficking and has been a volunteer instructor for a non-profit that teaches personal finance in low-income schools and learning centers. She also served as a Board Director and Treasurer for a private PreK-8 school.
“Through my professional and volunteer experience, I’ve seen firsthand how much we can achieve with a shared goal when we listen to each other and work together,” she said.
Tiffany is a lifelong resident of Thurston County. She and her husband have one son, who attends NTPS.
Board term expires November 2025
District 3 - Sarah Tracy
Sarah Tracy is a longtime volunteer, including serving on the board of directors of Olympia Community School, as a volunteer and PTA president at Olympic View Elementary, and on the family advisory board at Salish Middle School. She also volunteered for local youth soccer clubs for many years. Tracy is a graduate of Timberline High School, and her two children graduated from River Ridge High School.
“I love our district, and I’m really proud of it,” Tracy said. “I have been connected to this district since I was in kindergarten! Being involved in the schools is a part of who I am. I want to work to ensure success for all our students, helping them become successful and contributing members of our community. My job is to listen and advocate.”
Tracy’s focus includes ensuring students feel engaged and welcome in our schools.
“Even though we have a large district, we strive for students and families to feel that sense of community,” she said. “Being involved in extracurricular activities, whether sports, music, or clubs, is incredibly important in developing a well-rounded student and helping them want to be at school.”
Tracy also wants to ensure students have varying educational pathways, including choice schools and different ways to demonstrate competencies while still having a rigorous academic experience.
Tracy holds a bachelor’s degree in pharmacy and a Doctor of Pharmacy from the University of Washington, and a graduate certificate from the Parenting Coaching Institute at Seattle Pacific University.
Board term expires November 2025
District 4 - Esperanza (Espie) Badillo-Diiorio - Vice President
Espie Badillo-Diiorio has volunteered in North Thurston Public Schools for more than 20 years and is a strong advocate for ensuring all students have the support they need to succeed.
A proud Mexican-American, Espie believes inclusivity and equity are essential in our schools. A primary focus for Espie is ensuring high-quality special education services and helping parents be strong advocates for their children. She also feels passionate about amplifying student voices to be part of district decision-making.
Espie is a healthcare aide for a local senior home care company. She has served in leadership roles in various volunteer capacities, including the Horizons Elementary and Komachin Middle School PTA's and the Timberline High School Booster Club. She serves on the Lacey Loves to Read committee and has previously served on the NTPS Parent Advisory Committee and the Facility Advisory Committee. She helped start the beloved NTPS Battle of the Books competition.
A graduate of Yelm High School, Espie and her husband have five children and one grandchild. She believes her parents paved the way for her by being active community members. Her father ran for school board, which inspired Espie to give back as an NTPS School Board member.
Board term expires November 2027
District 5 - Michelle Gipson
Michelle Gipson is always seeking ways to make our community better and believes all children can learn and thrive in a changing world.
She has lived in the NTPS community for 25 years, and has raised five children, all of whom attended NTPS schools. She now has two grandchildren in the district.
“I love being in this community,” she said. “What happens to our kids—their future—is important.”
As a Board member, Michelle wants to ensure students see diverse leadership in their school district, so they can see the possibilities for themselves. She is also focused on ensuring the community and schools support the emotional well-being of all children.
A lifelong learner, Michelle studied business and accounting at University of Washington-Tacoma and earned her master’s degree in computer information systems from the University of Phoenix.
Michelle has worked at the YMCA of Thurston County for more than a decade, starting with teaching group exercise classes and working her way up to senior director of branch operations. She serves as vice president on the board of the PARC Foundation of Thurston County, on the Lacey Rotary. She has also volunteered for the Thurston County Food Bank, the Washington State Employees Credit Union Scholarship Committee, the City of Olympia Equity Focus Group, CIELO, New Life Baptist Church, and many other service opportunities.
Board term expires November 2027
Student Advisors
As part of our Strategic Plan to provide more opportunities for student voice, the district is proud to have student advisors (1 per high school [5 in total] 2 or 3 student advisors per semester) serve as non-voting members of our School Board!
Students are selected by their high school principal and receive an orientation session provided by the superintendent (or designee) and a member of the Board of Directors. Their responsibilities include adherence to personal standards of behavior and regular school attendance, regular attendance at Board meetings, studying Board materials in advance, and providing student perspective on current issues when requested by the Board. Student Advisors are also asked to speak to selected topics at the conclusion of Board meetings, during the agenda section “Items from the Student Advisors.”
Qualifications: The student must be entering their junior or senior year at the time of selection and in good academic standing, and maintain good academic standing throughout their term. Selected students should also have a history of leadership and involvement in extracurricular and civic activities.
Eric Manubay, Envision Career Academy
Eric attends Envision Career Academy and previously attended Aspire Middle School and South Bay Elementary. Their favorite subject is anatomy and they enjoy hanging out with friends, adventuring, and volunteering in the community. After graduation, they plan to attend SPSCC, then transfer to a 4-year university to become a doctor.
Elisabeth Singian, Summit Virtual Academy
Elisabeth attends Summit Virtual Academy and previously attended Salish Middle School and Meadows Elementary. Their favorite subject is history and their favorite class last year was Forensic Science. They practice taekwondo, and reached advanced blue belt. They enjoy caring for their family pets, drawing, and playing guitar in their spare time. After graduation they plan to attend Saint Martin's University to study social work.