NTPS Family Newsletter
Monthly digital family newsletter
Every month, NTPS families and staff enjoy a newsletter in their inboxes featuring the latest events, spotlights, construction updates, and more.
Board Meeting Highlights
Highlights from the February 4, 2025, board meeting.
District Announcements
Highlights from the February 4, 2025, board meeting.
Staff Spotlights
Timberline High School Teacher Beth Belisle emphasizes the importance of lifelong learning.
School Board Recognitions
The Board recognized Wendy Dunne and Merry Sam, Webmasters.
NTPS Community Connections Newsletter
Quarterly mailed community newsletters
Every quarter, our entire community is mailed a paper copy of our quarterly newsletter to help update our community on what's happening at their neighborhood district.
News Releases
NTPS successfully completed a round of municipal bond funding.
Alumni Spotlights
The University of Washington's Head Baseball Coach is a North Thurston High School Ram.
Media Contact
Amy Blondin
Executive Director of Communications