River Ridge High School modernization
River Ridge High School modernization
Major modernization work began in July 2022 at River Ridge High School. The project includes improving classroom space and performing arts facilities, connecting the main building to the auxiliary gym, and converting the football field to artificial turf with lights. Scheduled completion: 2027.
Phase 1 (Summer 2022-Fall 2023)
- New Hoh Street access road started
- Reroute and installation of new utilities (sewer, power, gas, stormwater)
- Portable classrooms placed on site (17 buildings, 34 classrooms)
- New tennis court constructed in new location
- New athletic locker rooms and weight rooms constructed
- Pool mechanical and electrical replaced
- New Phase 1 bus loop created
- Temporary parking installed
- Main and auxiliary gym improvements made
Phase 2 (Fall 2023-Fall 2025)
- Demolition of Admin Building, House A, and athletic/weight room building
- New administration, kitchen, and classroom addition constructed
- Renovation of existing bus loop and front parking lot
- Commons area reconstructed
- Construction of temporary kitchen
Phase 3 (Fall 2025-Summer 2027)
- Music spaces constructed
- Theater and CTE building renovated
- Demolition of Houses B, C, and D
- Football and athletic fields constructed
- New student parking and Hoh Street connection completed